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RUECKERCONSULT participant conditions

The organizer is RUECKERCONSULT GmbH, hereinafter referred to as the “organizer”.

Name and address of the organizer:

Wallstraße 16, 10179 Berlin (Germany)
T +49 (0)30 28 44 987-3
F +49 (0)30 28 44 987-99

The organizer is a company of the RUECKER Group (i.e. RUECKER Holding GmbH).

By registering for one of the organizer's events, you agree to the following terms and conditions of participation. The organizer reserves the right to refuse registration for an event without giving reasons. Your registration for one of our events will be checked by the RUECKERCONSULT team. You will receive confirmation and an invoice for the cost of attending the booked event. Only then will your registration be considered accepted.


1 Data collection and data processing:

1.1 Collection, processing and use of personal data:

Personal data within the meaning of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act) are individual details that can be used to find out personal or factual circumstances about you. These are e.g. name, address, date of birth, profession, bank details. This data is subject to special protection, which the organizer ensures through technical and organizational measures.

Only the data required to process your request or to provide the organizer's services is collected, processed and used. The provision of your personal data is voluntary. However, the organizer cannot provide the requested service without this information.

1.2 Registration for the organizer's event:
If you wish to participate as a visitor, the organizer collects, processes and uses the following data:

Mandatory data: Salutation, title, first and last name, position (job title), company, industry, street, house number, postal code, city and e-mail address.
Voluntary information: Telephone number, cell phone, LinkedIn profile and website. This data is collected by the organizer and used for the processing and organization of the events. However, the organizer will not publish any telephone numbers.

Your registration will be sent encrypted via https to the organizer's server. The organizer will use your details to answer your request.

1.3 Purpose and use of personal data:
Personal data will only be used if and to the extent that you provide it yourself. Your data will be used to process your registration, to provide the services you have requested and to provide personalized customer service. Personal data is not collected automatically, but must be transmitted or entered by you on a voluntary basis.

Your data will be used in particular for the purposes of the participant management system, for smooth event organization and for sending you specialist information from the real estate industry.

1.4 List of participants and conference app “RC Network”:
The organizer organizes various events that facilitate exchange among stakeholders in the real estate industry, institutional and private investment and financing. In order to facilitate contact and networking between visitors, participant lists are published before the start of the event and sent to the participants, sponsors, speakers, cooperation partners and co-organizers etc. registered for the event. These participant lists contain the first and last name, title, company, position, e-mail address and industry of the participants.

The list of participants will also be available in the access-protected conference app “RC Network”, which is only accessible to people attending the event. The participant's contact details including title, first name, surname, position, company, industry, role during the conference, company address, website and LinkedIn profile will also be visible there. Telephone numbers will not be published.

It is also possible for participants to contact each other in the conference app, both via the messaging function and to arrange one-on-one meetings at the events.

The conference app is operated by the organizer or by a company of the RUECKER Group.

The declaration of consent for this service reads: I agree that my personal registration data may be published as described. I can revoke this consent at any time. By participating, I agree that I will be displayed as a participant in the conference app and on the list of participants.

1.5 Sound, video and image recordings:
Audio, video and image recordings will be made and archived at the event and used by the organizer for its own website, for information to participants, sponsors, advisory boards and for other advertising purposes by the organizer. Other advertising purposes include the following: advertising material such as a sponsor booklet for acquisition (digital or print), picture galleries/impressions on the respective event website and in the RC Network app, recap films, advertising and reporting on social media (YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram), press reports and advertising for future events of the organizer and/or a company of the RUECKER Group.

As part of the reporting on the respective event, the organizer also permits the use of the image and video material by the partners/sponsors, speakers and presenters on social media (YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram) as well as journalists for reporting.

The declaration of consent for this service reads: With my registration, I confirm and declare my consent that audio, video and image recordings may be made of me at the event and used by the organizer and companies of the RUECKER Group for the purpose described.

1.6 Disclosure to third parties:
Under no circumstances will your personal data be passed on to third parties without your consent, unless this is absolutely necessary or covered by the purpose of the contract and the conditions of participation, as explained below. Under no circumstances will your data be sold, passed on for advertising purposes not covered by the conditions of participation or used beyond the minimum necessary.

Data will only be passed on to affiliated sponsoring and cooperation partners and service providers if this is necessary to fulfill the agreed contractual purposes. If information is passed on for the purpose of the proper fulfillment and execution of contractual relationships, the partners involved are obliged to maintain confidentiality and to comply strictly with the provisions of data protection law. These service providers only have access to information that is absolutely necessary for the fulfillment of their tasks.These will not be used by the service providers for other purposes. In addition, they are obliged to handle the information in accordance with the conditions of participation and the provisions of the GDPR and the BDSG. Insofar as service providers must be used to carry out and handle processing operations, the contractual relationships are structured in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and the BDSG.

By order of a court of law, at the request of an investigating authority or for evidence purposes (e.g. in the event of a breach of the organizer's terms and conditions, misuse of the organizer's websites), the data and information stored by the organizer may be used within the framework of the applicable laws and disclosed to third parties if this is necessary.

1.7 Extended use of data:

1.7.1. information on events and expertise in the real estate industry:

The promoter organizes a variety of events to enable exchange among stakeholders in the real estate industry, institutional investment and financing and provides information via the opinion portal The Property Post, the weekly The Property Post Letter and individual information.

In order to continue to ensure this, your personal data will be used for information and invitations to other events and industry information from the company for which you work.

The declaration of consent for this service reads: I agree that my personal registration data for events organized by the organizer and companies of the RUECKER Group may be used for industry information and invitations to further events by the organizer and companies of the RUECKER Group. I can revoke this consent at any time.

1.7.2 Inclusion in the subscriber mailing list

By registering for an event of the organizer, you agree to be included in the subscriber mailing list of the weekly “The Property Post Letter” and other newsletters created by the organizer and/or a company of the RUECKER Group.

The declaration of consent for this service reads: I agree that my personal registration data for events organized by the organizer and a company of the RUECKER Group may be included in the subscriber distribution list of the weekly “The Property Post Letter” and other newsletters created by the organizer and a company of the RUECKER Group. I can revoke this consent at any time.

2 Cancellation fees:

Your registration for one of our events will be checked by the RUECKERCONSULT team. You will receive confirmation and an invoice for the cost of attending the booked event. Only then will your registration be considered accepted.  If you have paid by credit card/PayPal, you will receive a confirmation with a pro forma invoice. Please note: You are only entitled to participate once payment has been received. Admission tickets will only be sent by the organizer once full payment has been received in the organizer's account.

If you cancel your registration up to and including 28 days (4 weeks) before the event, the organizer will charge a processing fee of 10 percent of the participation fee per registered participant.

If you cancel up to 14 days before the start of the event, 50 percent of the participation fee will be charged.

In the event of later cancellation or non-attendance, the full participation fee will be charged. Substitute participants will be accepted if they fulfill the admission requirements.

Cancellations must be made in writing (e-mail is sufficient).

3. changes to the conference program:

The conference program is evolutionary. The program shown represents a draft of the content concept. It will be continuously updated on the website of the respective event. The organizer expressly reserves the right to make changes to the content, timing and location of the program.

For important reasons - including force majeure, illness of the speaker or an insufficient number of participants - the organizer is entitled to relocate events or to name another date as a substitute. The organizer must inform the registered participants of the corresponding changes with regard to location and time, together with the necessary cancellation of the original date.

4 Liability:

Participation in the organizer's events is always at your own risk. During the event, you as a participant are covered by statutory accident insurance through your employer. You are not covered by this insurance during the non-event period and during activities as part of the accompanying program. The organizer's liability is limited to intent and gross negligence.

The organizer accepts no liability for printing and typing errors. The place of performance for all claims is the organizer's registered office (Berlin, Germany).

5 Cancellation of the event:

In the event of a cancellation, the organizer will inform the participants immediately and will endeavor to find an alternative date for the event. Participation fees paid can be credited towards the alternative date or refunded. They must be refunded if no alternative date or replacement participant is suitable for the participant.

6. Hotel quotas:

The organizer provides a limited number of rooms in hotels for the majority of events. Information about the hotel quota can be found on the respective website of the event for which you have registered.

If a hotel booking is made through the organizer, the personal data required to process the hotel stay will be passed on to the hotel.

7. Venues:

You can find the event addresses on the organizer's respective event website or at

8. Revocation of your consent to data processing:

Many data processing operations are only possible with your express consent. You can revoke any consent you have already given at any time. An informal message via email is sufficient. The lawfulness of the data processing carried out until the revocation remains unaffected by the revocation.

9. Right to lodge a complaint with the responsible supervisory authority:

In the event of data protection violations, the person affected has the right to lodge a complaint with the responsible supervisory authority. The responsible supervisory authority for data protection issues is the state data protection officer of the federal state in which the organizer is based. A list of data protection officers and their contact details can be found at the following link:

10. Information, blocking, deletion:

Within the framework of the applicable legal provisions, you have the right to free information at any time about your stored personal data, its origin and recipient and the purpose of data processing and, if necessary, a right to correct, block or delete this data. You can contact us at any time at the address given in the legal notice if you have any further questions on the subject of “personal data”.

Status: August 2023